Worcester Norton Shooting Club

Probationary Membership

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23rd July 2024

Due to high demand we are currently closed to applications for membership until we have cleared the current waiting list. We are planning to open the club to prospective new members from January 2025

All applications to join Worcester Norton Shooting Club involve attendance at a Membership Intake Course.

An application to attend can be made by individuals with no target shooting experience, as well as those that are Firearms Certificate (FAC) holders.

These courses are held at intervals throughout the year. The course covers club facilities, Range Safety Rules and Club Rules as well as giving an introduction to club history, the competition programme and activities for members and their families.

Before your course date can be confirmed all applicants are required to attend the Club and complete Police Vetting Forms, provide 4 passport size photos and provide identification, (e.g. FAC, or Photo Driving Licence, or passport, or utility bill) and pay a joint course and 3 month provisional membership fee.

For those with No Shooting Experience

The course is the start of a mandatory probationary period as required by Home Office and Police regulations.

You will be required to complete a minimum of 10 attendances with one to one supervision whilst shooting. Club guns are provided FREE of charge, you only pay for the ammunition you use.

On completion of this probationary period you can then apply for full club membership and pay the appropriate membership fee.

FAC Holders

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For those that hold a current FAC the minimum attendance is 4 Club Days before application can be made for full membership, with payment of the appropriate membership fee. An application for full membership must be accompanied by a reference, either from the Secretary of your previous club, or another person who has known you as a Target Shooter.

An FAC Holder may visit the club as a guest shooter on any Sunday by paying a £10 fee. A maximum of 5 visits is permitted in a 12 month period before an application for membership is expected.

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